$verison = "1.1.0"; $build = ".0.4.4"; changes fixed bug with edit calculation returning wrong saved session url session url was set before the paper was selected officially so it was selecting the final paper in the array. fixed by saving the session url at the final click. TODO Same bug in poster same bug in blueprints. build 0.3.9 2.4.25 fixed bug in poster url session passing incorrect paper ID fixed bug in blueprint url session passing incorrect paper ID updated "printcost" on the paper list to disply Paper Cost for clarity build 0.4.0 2.9.25 seperated flyer calculatoins updated flyer order configuration screen for clarity of the project specs added pilot for distrobution services build 0.4.1 2.9.25 removed distro from other order types TODO - check session viriable for distro isn't passed to non flyer orders. build 0.4.2 2.16.25 cleaned post card orders fixed post card order pricing added donate button for schools build 0.4.3 started UI updates build 0.4.4 major UI cleanup fixed order start page layout fixed missing text fields and added new functions to load detailed information on the order other bug fixes and improvements